The Different quotation types

20 February 2020

There are many different quotation marks, such as: , or " or ».
Here is a simple list with the corresponding entity names (").
There are double uses for some quotation marks

Default Quotation mark

" Default quotation mark "




quot = "Quotation mark"

Superscript double quotation mark

“ Superscript double quotation mark


“ and ”


ldquo = left double quotation mark
rdquo = right double quotation mark

Subscript double quotation mark

„ Subscript double quotation mark 


“ and „


ldquo = left double quotation mark
bdquo = bottom double quotation mark

Superscript single quotation mark

Superscript single quotation mark


‘ und ’


lsquo = left single quotation mark
rsquo = right single quotation mark

Double angles around the text.

« Double angles ("arrows") around the text. »


« und »


laquo = left angle quotation mark
raquo = right angle quotation mark

Single angles around the text

‹ Single angles ("arrows") around the text 


‹ und ›


lsaquo = left single angle quotation mark
rsaquo = right single angle quotation mark

Single quotes

‚ Single quotes


‚ und ‘


sbquo = single bottom quotation mark
lsquo = left single quotation mark